INTRODUCTION I.1 Background of the Study Building a bilateral relation with another state always becomes very needed and important to a state to enhance its foreign relations. It also applies to Indonesia as one of the most populous countries in the world with the third largest democracy in the world. As one of the example, the bilateral relation between Indonesia and Australia. Indonesia has been shared a strong bilateral relation with Australia since a very long time ago. Indonesia and Australia have a relationship
Introduction Human rights are something absolute or we can say as basic rights of human. Human rights are those rights possessed by an individual that can not be withdraw by others including state. They are about equality and fairness. As a human, we are free to choose and making choices to our life and develop our potential as a human being. There are some basic rights that agreed by people in the world, such as right to life, free from torture or other inhuman treatment, access to education and
CHAPTER: 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC BROAD AREA OF THE STUDY Consumer awareness of covering the customer the impression that awareness and consciousness about the company or its products. Customer perception is usually affected by advertising, reviews, public relations, social media, personal experiences and other channels. Perception is broader. It is a complex process, and the fact that a person in which to stimulate the surrounding tissue and has a meaning to it. Perception describes