Iron Rails And Water Dreams Poem Analysis

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Iron Rails and Water Dreams White Pail, Pyramids and the Running Sun Hymn to the Father in Us All A German Opera in Portugal Meditation Among Stones Blue Light Below the Arctic Circle Aristotle, Plato and Appalachian Fog Night Riders White Caps Booming Against the Shore Autonme Memoire en Provence Timing Flowers on the Mall The River II Danse Macabre Autumn Sonata A Plan for Leaving Airborne A Public Burning Wolf Moon in Autumn Green Words and Bright Orange Shoes On a Rainy Night in Oakland Marco Polo, Stella and the Bengal Lights Limning the Hunter’s Moon Outdoor Art Museum by the Sea…show more content…
Paul Kalanithi, a New York neurosurgeon, dying with incurable cancer at thirty-five, in a piece for the New Yorker that one reviewer called “an essay about death, crackling with life,” said, “staring into my ‘Bright Abyss’, I’ve become both actor and playwright in its high darkness, seeking in the straight crookedness of language about my own death, the wild silence within us, if not dulled by the knife blade of solitude.” It is hard not to be reconciled to bittersweetness of words self-delighted by their inwardness, the immense light they draw from childhood, and the evanescent yearning that lets them play tennis against time. Like W.H. Auden’s “the most powerful poem about life is a poem about death,” these poems seek to connect the past to the future, body to soul and imagination to reality, poems written in what Wallace Stevens called “…that hum of thought, evaded by the mind”. The poems study our rep- etitions and rituals, searching for what we sing when we’re not aware we’re singing, telling us that without death there would be no seriousness, no joy nor despair, no tragic or comic voices seeking the meaning of

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