Disadvantages Of Impulse Buying

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Introduction Impulse buying is the activity that consumers engage in when they buy items they did not intend to buy just because they can afford them (Plaza, 2017). This behavior has become so prevalent that individuals hardly notice when they practice it. These unplanned purchases have increased, and recently, they account for a substantial increase in the increase of the purchases made (Plaza, 2017). This phenomenon is known and appreciated by retailers and salespersons that take advantage and use it to their benefit. It has led to the intensification of sales (Plaza, 2017). The retailers and salespersons have applied various methods to encourage and increase sales. Increased advertisement and showing alternative locations where the items…show more content…
The first documented study of impulse was done by Clover in the year 1950. In his study, he pointed out that some merchandises are vented more owing to impulse (Hodge, 2004). In 1962, Stern, a researcher suggested that some product-related factors might predict impulse buying. He also explained impulse buying by classifying purchase behavior into impulse, planned and unplanned buying. Kollat and Willet in 1967 suggested that the consumers’ geographical location and character dictated the impulse buying behavior. In 1982, Weinberg and Gottwald concluded that impulse buyers were driven by emotions such as amusement when compared to planned shoppers (Hoyer, 2011). Rook and Hoch in 1985 suggested that impulsive buyers enjoyed shopping and the consumers’ environment stimulated his…show more content…
In the year 1989 Layre indicated that impulse shopping was a case of unplanned shopping (Kanuk, 2017). Abratt and Goodey later suggested that impulse shopping posters in the shops increased impulse shopping (S., 2016). Factors Affecting Impulse Buying All the studies carried out by the researchers above try to explain the factors that affect and influence consumers to become impulse buyers (S., 2016). The factors affecting impulse buying are classified into two (Kanuk, 2017). External factors, for example, the location of the shop, the availability of the products and the shopping products. There are internal factors affecting impulse (Lautiainen, 2015). Some of the internal factors affecting impulse buying include the available time, the level of education of the individual, the individual's occupation, the gender and the individuals’ marital status (M., 2012). The Time Available For Shopping The time available for shopping dramatically controls the shopping behaviors. When there is a lot of time available for shopping, then the individual is likely to engage in impulse buying (S., 2016). When the time for shopping is limited, the individual is less likely to engage in impulse

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