Importance Of Work Life Balance

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INTRODUCTION Work life balance is defined as the stability between personal and professional life of the employees who are associated with any organization. In the field of human resource management work life balance is a significant concern for any of the organization. For the purpose of growth in organizational effectiveness and individual performance it is required. It is one of the factor which affects overall life of an individual. Individual wellbeing depends on many things, starting from personality, income, labor market status, job characteristics, health fitness, family relations, social relationships, to security, liberty, moral values and standards, religious faith etc. Organizations also have a responsibility to see to it that…show more content…
Lack of work flexibility and enrichment, high work pressure and longer working hours, future growth are stressing out many bank employees, reducing their job performance and productivity as well as causing problems at their homes. Well managed human resource, one of the foremost factors for organizational success, should be taken care of its efficient and competent employees. In today’s era of organizational restructuring it is important for the organizations to satisfy and retain the skilled and competent employees with them. This will help organization to achieve its goals and objectives effectively and efficiently in this competitive environment. Therefore, a comprehensive study on the impact of entire family friendly policies is needed in gaining a better understanding of the policies in order to make the implementation in the future. Objective: The objective of this study is to examine the impact of work life balance on employee job satisfaction in banking sector. Research question:  What key variables of work life balance impact on employee satisfaction in banking sector?  How long working hour’s impact on employee satisfaction in banking sector?  How work stress impact on employee satisfaction in banking sector?  How work family conflicts…show more content…
(Hammer, et al., 2005) Moreover, misbalance in work and family relationships can be the cause of reduction in health and productivity of organization and families. (Wayne, J., Musisca, N., Fleeson, & W., 2004) (Voydanoff & P, 2004) .Conversely, earlier studies focused on the study of the work-family interface has focused further on work-to-family and family-to-work conflict or incompatibility between the instantaneous challenges of family roles and work, which has been broadly studied and has been associated to results of as lower satisfaction, poorer performance and increased stress in both work and family roles (Adams, King, & King, 1996); (Netemeyer, G., Boles, S., & R., 1996); (Frone, R., Yardley, K., & Markel, 1997); (Perrewe, Hochwarter, & Kiewitz,
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