Thinking Like A Mountain Summary

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Date: 09/27/14 Balance of nature The essay “Thinking like a mountain” by Aldo Leopold first appeared in a Sand County Almanac and sketches here and there in the year 1949 in which the author Aldo tries to bring forth the mutual harmony between animals and nature to help his readers understand the importance of staying together, depending on each other as well as appreciating one another just like a food chain in which for some given reason the prey or predator should not over run the other. This is clearly seen when he says, “the deer herd begins to die of its own too much.” Basically, I believe that the idea the author wants his reader to understand is how we…show more content…
The deer strives with his supple legs, the cowman with trap and poison, the statesman with pen, the most of us with machines, votes, and dollars, but it’ll comes to the same thing: peace in our time. A measure of success in this is all well enough, and perhaps is a requisite to objective thinking, but too much. Safety seems to yield only danger in the long run.” I am more than convinced that the write Aldo is talking about a food chain balanced strike in nature and man. In addition to that, Leopold’s essays also tries to focus on animal rights and the need to extend ethics as well as understanding the ways of nature with regards to basic ecology and the true meaning of living ultimately on land within the animal rights movement and further discussion on environmental ethics that clearly illustrates just how alienated from nature humans have become and this is further seen through the process or death (Ahlers,…show more content…
This I believe is the connection that we both share. Furthermore, I believe that the writer’s idea to conserve the environment as well as wild animals clearly works best to preserve young and immature animals that are very fragile and vulnerable to stand and support them. This I also believe works to build and grow the tourism sector that will further help to act as a tourism attraction center leading to a growth in the market industry hence the international market will be improved and enhanced to facilitate and serve the growing market environs. Through the challenge and courage that the author envisions clearly states that it is the responsibility of any sound minded persons in the society to care for animals as well as the environment to ensure a more balanced environmental state that is interesting and full of life. For this will ensure more comfortable surroundings. And just as the writer points out, that an individual’s moral values like love and trust are the key additional advantage to caring for the environment and its species in a free and exciting manner leading to a more mutual relationship between the

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