Core Concept Of Work Life Balance

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This chapter describes the core concept of Work-Life Balance, models, importance, advantages disadvantages a factors influencing and its outcome. It also insights about need, purpose and objective of the study. 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Work-Life balance has its importance from the ancient days and the concept is very old from the day world creation. After the completion of work in six days, the fabulous world has created by god. He had rest in seventh day and enjoyed the life. It denotes that man have a rest and enjoy the life after the demanding work; there should be balance in work and his life. It even signifies that he enjoyed the creation and with a passion that is why the work turned out to be awesome. And God also gave importance to enjoyment…show more content…
There are tremendous changes in families which are bartered from the ‘breadwinner’ role of traditional men to single parent families and dual earning couples. Even Organisations also expect a high level of flexibility and productivity among the employee in related to working environment. It spends more for train their employee and puts their drastic policies to retain their employees. Perspectives and expectations of Employees have also altered towards their job. The conventional “job is for life” has replaced into an economic environment of instability and job uncertainty. There is a new assimilation towards continuous learning improvement in both personal and career, and it maximise the awareness and need for a balance between work and life have affected organisations through incentivising the introduction of policies such as flexible…show more content…
Work life balance is to be affected by Change in particular behaviour Attitude towards the job is depends on their personality and perception. Employee attitudes are to be managed and controlled to achieve a healthy work–life interaction. The misappropriate work life interaction cause stress in some situations. Job stress is directly connected with adverse effects on employees’ psychological and physical wellbeing in many professions, including Education. Work-related stress has been identified as one of the largest problems in the working environment. Job stress sketches a high emotional cost to employee wellbeing and puts amble financial burden on organisational performance. The main reasons or source of imbalance among teacher are work load, relationship with colleagues, role conflict, role ambiguity, discipline problem of students, time pressure, worse working condition, self respect, inadequate support from friend, family and colleagues of low motivation among
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