Women Entrepreneurship In India

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ABSTRACT Women entrepreneurship is gaining importance in India as different policies for economic liberalisation and globalisation are coming into picture . implementation of various policies to develop entrepreneurial skills and training has widen various opportunies for women However, women constitute only one third of the economic enterprises but social and economic development of women is very necessary in order to develop overall economy. Indian government has also introduced National Skill Development Policy and National Skill Development Mission in 2009 to provide skill training and entrepreneurship development to the emerging work force.. Women are not working in order to take of their children and household whereas they have a…show more content…
Shortage of finance: women entrepreneurs suffer from the problem of inadequate finance and working capital. Banks and other sources dont lend them money easily due to inadequate security and assets as it ia a male dominating society and majority of the assets are in the name of males. Women have to largely depend on their own savings and personal assets due to complicated procedures to banks to get loans . 2. Marketing problems: As women have dual reponsibility of taking care of children, household and business , they dont get enough time to devote to business and spend enery in marketing products women have to largely depend on other men to market their products who exploit them and take large chunk of profit. 3. Shortage of raw materials: It is one of the major problems that women entrepreneurs face , they dont get raw material in sufficient quantity and quality. The prices of the raw materials also fluctuate daily which brings another problem in procuring them. Most of the enterprises in the year 1971 run by women related to basket making were shut down due to non availaibilty of forest based raw…show more content…
Lack of entrepreneurial attitude: Women lacks entrepreneural attitude as they lack the basics of entrepreneurship i.e risk taking ability, innovation. It can be proved by tha fact that only 7% of total women population are involved in small scale business enterprises. STEPS TAKEN BY GOVERRMENT TO DEVELOP WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP Entrepreneurial growth in India is constrained by lack of venture capital in India or training programmes for women are not implemeted . even if funds are avaialble , women are not encoraged enough to set up their own ventures. To accelaerate the women entrepreneurship, development programmes and institutional support is required. There is a need of Government, non-Government, promotional and regulatory agencies to comeforward and play the supportive role in promoting the womenentrepreneur in India. The Government of India has alsoformulated various training and development cumemployment generations programs for the women to start theirventures. Problems relating to finance are resolved by implementing new policies by govt. As well as finacial institutions. In the last decade large number of women are coming up to stat their own ventures. Women entrepreneurship development programmes are being launched by govt. To accelerate the women to start their own enterprise. The whole (WED) programee comprises of: - Pre- promotion

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