Importance Of Skill Development

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In this context of skill development, vocational Training for Women Skill development for employability should be used as an agent of change in promoting women’s employment. Women face a multitude of barriers in accessing skills and productive employment, remaining on the job due to effect of globalization or otherwise and advancing to higher level jobs, as well as returning to the labour market after a period of absence spent, for example, in raising children. A policy of non-discrimination should be pursued vigorously to provide equal access for women to skill development and employment. This Policy will aim to raise women’s participation to at least 30% by the end of the 13th Plan. Proactive measures that overcome barriers and facilitate…show more content…
Post-training support, including mentoring for access to markets, credit and appropriate technologies, is an important part of skill development strategy for self-employment. Training modules should incorporate specific needs of target groups, e.g. literacy, the level of education and the local language. The delivery of training should be flexible in terms of hours and duration to encourage participation, particularly among women. In general, there is a regional imbalance in training opportunities and some parts of the country are quite deficient in skill development institutions. In order to provide more equitable access across the country, special efforts should be mounted to establish training facilities in deficient…show more content…
There is no doubt that skill development for employability is an important strategy in the fight against poverty. Accordingly, the poor should have a priority claim and easy access to opportunities for skill development. This Policy aims at mitigating the impact of the economic barriers at different stages, as well as actively promoting the access of the poor to educational and skill development opportunities through specially designed schemes and measures. Such measures as special coaching for competing in admission tests, provision of non-formal skill development opportunities and the expanded provision of scholarships, books and soft-loans should be developed and implemented. Efforts should also be made to better integrate skill development into broader poverty reduction programmes and to strengthen the existing skill development components of such
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