Continuing Professional Development: The Importance Of Active Listening In Nursing

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After exploring the scenario with Joe and how it relates to the APIE approach it has become clear that all of the stages are linked together, and no stage can be carried out effectively without the next. For example, without a clear assessment of the patient’s needs, it would be difficult, if not impossible to set goals for the patients and set a plan of their care. This would result in the subsequent stages not being carried out effectively, and therefore having an effect on patient care. Continuing Professional Development is a vital area of nursing and is shown to improve patient care. Continuing Professional Development is defined as a process of lifelong learning in order to meet the patients’ needs, achieve the priorities of the NHS…show more content…
Arnold and Boggs (2007) describe active listening as a process where the nurse is able to hear what the patient is saying, understand the meaning of what is being said and provide feedback based on understanding of what has been said. Listening is considered a crucial area of communication within nursing, and research by Kagan (2008) states that during their experiences within healthcare, patients want to be listened to more than anything else. For patients to feel like they have been listened to they must believe that they are being heard and that the nurse is interested and understands their concerns (Shipley, 2010). By doing this the nurse will be able to gather valuable information regarding the patient’s condition and allows the patients to achieve a sense of well-being and acceptance, in turn enhancing the patient’s recovery (Kagan 2008). Active listening also allows the nurse to understand what the patient is saying, how they are feeling and communicate this back to the patient (Olson and Carroll, 1987). This is vital for an assessment of a patient as an assessment forms the foundations of our interactions and forms foundations for the care that will be delivered in the future (Sully and Dallas, 2010). Whilst carrying out an assessment, or participating in any kind of communication, nurses are always facing a variety of communication barriers varying from our perceptions, knowledge,…show more content…
Whilst on a busy ward where patients have a variety of complex needs it can be difficult to make sure that patients are actively listened too. During previous placements I have begun to develop these skills, however reflecting back I have been made aware that there is room for improvement. Whilst working with families, it is Important that I continue to renew and develop my practice using reliable resources (Dougherty and Lister, 2011), therefore to develop this skill I will aim to learn about the skills needed for active listening and the effects this will have on my patients. Before the beginning of my next placement I will aim to read three pieces of literature regarding active listening. I will then create a mind map, picking out key points of active listening and why these are important, and put this mind map into my portfolio. The NMC say that all nurses should keep a portfolio, and this will allow me to assess my skills as well as evaluate my experiences, allowing me to make a plan for future development (Benbow and Jordan,

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