Professional Compounding Training Report

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The Professional Compounding Center of America’s Boot camp was a great learning experience for me. Through the two days intensive compounding training, I have learnt the importance of compounding to pharmacy profession; The training created an awareness of the oldest art of the profession, why it still stands out, and why remains an integral part of pharmacy profession. The camp enhanced my professional development by showing me ways pharmacist can help in adherence, prepare commercially unavailable products, and individualize patient’s pharmacotherapy to fit their needs through compounding. Although the two days training is not meant to make me a professional compounder, it has helped in my professionally development by improving on my compounding…show more content…
The boot camp improved my professional development by educating me on how to individualize patient care and meet special demands of some patient population such as geriatrics, pediatrics, mentally disabled and also veterinary. No other aspect of the profession is as personalized as compounding. The PCCA boot camp enlightened me on the the process of individualize care. As pharmacist, our goal is to ensure the medication utilization process proceed successfully. During the PCCA training, I learnt how pharmacist can ensure adherence in patients through adjustment of dosage form, individualized drug design/packaging and/or compounding that can help patients on their part to good health. Prior to the PCCA boot camp, I had two semester worth of compounding training in P1. Although the class was helpful in my path to been a pharmacist, I did not appreciate the role of compounded products in patient care until after the boot camp training. The training ended up not just been a way to get my two hours of professional elective hours, but also developed me professionally and increased my admiration of compounding pharmacy. The training helped me appreciate how compounding can be useful to the profession in cases where commercially available products is not…show more content…
The PCCA boot camp was a good learning experience for me as I come to appreciate the importance of this principles in the profession. Compounders like other aspects of the profession have zero room for error in their work requires innovative thinking. The PCCA boot camp was an opportunity for me to practice my problem solving skills. Through the cases we did in class and the independent compounding session, I was able to work on my problem solving skills and appreciate the beauty of compounding pharmacy. After the PCCA training, I appreciate the benefit of compounding pharmacist and think all pharmacist should be trained in compounding. Through the compounding training, pharmacist will come to appreciate how far the profession has come. The diligent and independent thinking required in the compounding training will help develop student pharmacist and practicing pharmacist

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