Importance Of Protection Of Wild Animals

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Protection of precious wild animals has won the understanding and support from the general public of China, and the awareness of the general public on protecting wild animal has been established. Protection of wild animals in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and establishment of nature protection areas in various regions has become the conscious actions of governments at all levels and the general public. According to statistics, by the end of 2006, China has established a total of 2,395 nature protection areas at different levels, with a total area of 91.85 million hectares, accounting for 15.16% of the total national territorial area. More and more people have been consciously resisting eating wild animals. The government has also been constantly taking various measures to forbid restaurants and shops to sell wild animals and their products. The central government has also taken various measures to compensate the farmers for the various damages caused by wild animals. Various touching stories are reported from various regions that ordinary citizens and farmers saved and helped wild animals.…show more content…
Some countries and international organizations have listed them into the directories of endangered plants. United Nations Environment Programme has categorized red sandalwood into the list of forbidding cutting and export. China has also listed red sandalwood and Bulinga Keva into the list of the first batch of rare and protected wild plants. Therefore, precious plants represented by red sandalwood and Bulinga Keva are endangered species of wild species, and any forms of cutting, use and trading on these plants shall be

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