Matura National Park

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Introduction The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago identifies the biological heritage of these islands; its animals, plants, terrestrial and marine ecosystems; as an essential, unique heritage of the individuals of Trinidad and Tobago. It was noted that sustainable development and the long term affluence of the nation is dependent upon the conservation and proper management of the biological assets. Trinidad and Tobago’s biodiversity is recognised nationally and internationally as being rich and diverse and as such critical to the country’s economic development, its agriculture, water supply, tourism potential, quality of life and the recreation of its people (Ministry Of Legal Affairs, 2009). As uses the…show more content…
It was declared an Environmentally Sensitive Area in 2004. The Matura National Park is a great area of primary tropical forest. There exist no present immediate invasive threats from human development or agricultural activities. Research shows that the area has important biodiversity values as there are over 200 species of trees and lianas recorded in the Matura National Park. There were also found to be seven endemic trees and one endemic fern tree in the Matura National Park. It has also been observed that seven of the nine endemic tree species that are found in the Northern Range are protected within Matura National Park (Van den Eynden, V. et al.…show more content…
The Matura National Park preserves a large area of 70% – 80% of undisturbed primary tropical forest and contains the largest intact Mora forest in Trinidad and Tobago. Mora forest is dominated by the Mora (Mora excelsa) tree (Van den Eynden, V. et al. 2007.). The Matura National Park protects the wildlife habitats of the pawi/ piping guan (Pipile pipile), which is Trinidad’s only endemic and seriously endangered bird. The ocelot (Felis pardalis) and other endangered and rare animal and plant species. The Matura National Park also conserves the natural and scenic beauty of streams, waterfalls and rugged mountains (EMA 2001). Three of the endemic trees occurring in The Matura National Park, Clusia aripoensis, Clusia tocuchensis and Macrolobium trinitense, were assessed as endangered according to the IUCN Red Data List criteria; and Ocotea trinidadensis was assessed as vulnerable (EMA

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