International Approach To Animal Welfare

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CHAPTER 2: INTERNATIONAL APPROACH TO ANIMAL RIGHTS Historically, animal law is that field of law which deals with animal rights and raises punishments for its infringement, which started operating from the domestic level. Many states think of animal welfare as a regime enjoying the status as a protected internal affair. Being a matter of domestic law, animal laws currently escape authoritative judgment by the international community. But, in an era where there is an increase in business, labour, communication, thinking and values towards each other, states have started developing a keen interest in the affairs of other states, including the way they treat their non-human animals. For example, the European nations have promulgated their disgust…show more content…
Its aim is to ensure that international trade relating to specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. It was agreed upon on 3rd of March, 1973 in the United States and came into force on 1st of July, 1975. As of today, it has a membership of 183 nations. 2.4 Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare It is an inter-governmental agreement which is proposed to be adopted and recognises animals as sentient, to prevent cruelty and reduce suffering and to promote the standards of animal welfare of farm animals, companion animals, animals used in scientific research, draught animals and other wildlife and work for their recreation. It is in pipeline to be adopted by the United Nations. 2.5 Convention on Biological Diversity It is also known as the Biodiversity Convention. It is a multi-lateral treaty. It was signed by 150 nations at the Rio Earth Summit. It is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development. It was seen as a practical tool for translating the principles of Agenda 21 into reality. 2.6 Convention on Migratory…show more content…
It was set up with a view to provide for proper conservation of whale stocks so as to make possible the orderly environment of the whaling industry. 2.8 Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Seals It is a part of the Antarctic Treaty System, and was signed at the conclusion of a multilateral conference held in London, on 11th of February, 1972. Its main aim was to maintain a satisfactory balance within the ecological system setup of Antarctica. 2.9 The Agreement on the International Humane Trapping Standard It is an agreement by the European Union ticked off in 1997. According to it, all the traps must be tested against the standards set out in the AIHTS and should be certified by a designated certifying authority. All agreements after this are legally binding on the signatories. 2.10 The Terrestrial and Aquatic Health Codes by the

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