Importance Of Phonetics

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Higher Education Albaha University MA in Applied Linguistic By : Ali Mubarak AlShahrani Under supervision of : Dr. Rajab Alzahrani Introduction:. Phonetics is one of the most important science of linguistics because of that I want to write about it, so I will talk about the definition of it then what are the types of it and some characteristics that deals with phonetics. Phonetics is The branch of linguistics that deals with the sounds of speech and their production, combination, description, and personification by written symbols, also The system of sounds of a particular language . One of the types of it is Manner of articulation and the other is place of articulation, and…show more content…
As I mention before that the phonetics is very important science of linguistics , so I researched about this topic in place and manner articulation and I found a lot of details which related to this topic . We know that how is an important for our students and how to produce these sounds correctly and where are these sounds come from . Place and Manner of articulation have some answer about the above questions . I liked to put it in front of reader and I hope he will interested in this topic. References:. 1- PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY, Claire-A. Forel & Genoveva Puskás, University of Oldenburg, University of Oldenburg 2- 3- – Table of contents: Section Page Number 1- Introduction ……………………………………………………….…..2 2- Place of Articulation.………………………………………………..3 3- Place of Articulation ………………………………………………..4 4- Manner of Articulation.…………………………….………………5 5- Manner of Articulation ……………………………………….……6 6-sechedual of P and M

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