Importance Of Liberal Education

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Colleges today require their students to register for general courses. Why? The idea of liberal education and general education came from the nineteenth century. They are both similar but they don’t necessarily mean the same thing. The liberal education refers to the study of liberal arts and classical languages, where as the general education refers to the study of the means of application in all branches of study which was thought to be essential for the youth. According to Russell Thomas, American colleges were always overwhelmed with multiple functions hence, the requirement of students to go through the general courses and then move into specializing into the selected one. (Thomas, 1959) The purpose of a college education is not to narrow…show more content…
These include: 1) Local and global knowledge 2) Intercultural knowledge 3) Ethical reasoning and action 4) Skills of lifelong learning d) Integrative learning: Synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized skills. Today, the main focus in the international system is development. States compete in development and the well being of its people. Part of attaining development is in the education of the future. In doing so even our leaders know that educating the future will lead to the well being of the state as a whole. In conclusion, liberal education plays a major role in global development. Also, the world today has adopted and changed the system of education to cater for this new system in order for us to accommodate a new generation of well informed youth. Bibliography Articles and Advice on Majors and Academics . (n.d.). General Education Courses are not a waste of time . Cohn, C. (2013, 07 08). Why you need to take Gen Eds and how you can appreciate them. Retrieved from Huff Post College: Malamud, O. (2011). Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Discovering One's Talents , 375. sociology anthropology geography. (2015). Retrieved July 20th, 2015, from The University of Tennessee Chattanooga:
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