Aristotle's Consequences Of Dialetheism In Western Philosophy

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A dialetheia is a sentence, X, such that the sentence itself and its negatiVE, ¬X, are true. Assuming the fairly uncontroversial view that falsity just is the truth of negation, it can be assumed that dialetheia is a sentence which is both true and false. Dialetheism is the view that some statements can be both true and false simultaneously. More precisely, it is the belief that there can be a true statement whose negation is also true. Such statements are called "true contradictions", dialetheia, or nondualisms. Dialetheism is not a system of formal logic; instead, it is a thesis about truth that influences the construction of a formal logic, often based on pre-existing systems. Introducing dialetheism has various consequences,…show more content…
But this thing was very old in western philosophy. None other than Aristotle himself argued for one kind of example. According to him, contingent statements about the future, like, ‘the first pope in the 22nd century will be African’, are neither true nor false. The future is, as yet, indeterminate. So much for his arguments in the Metaphysics. (Metaphysics- Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it, although the term is not easily defined. Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms: 1. Ultimately, what is there? 2. What is it like? ) The concept that some things might be both true and false is much more unorthodox. But, we can find some possible examples for this. One of these examples is the Liar Paradox. Here’s its commonest expression: This statement is false. If the statement is true, then it is indeed false. But if it is false, well, then it is true. So it seems to be both true and false. In 19th century, many similar puzzles were discovered and many scholars were trying to solve them by using mathematics as a whole on solid foundations. The leader of those efforts was Bertrand Russell who discovered the most famous paradox called Russell’s

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