Seven Liberal Arts Research Paper

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The seven liberal arts are divided into two categories: the Trivium- the verbal arts (Grammar, Rhetoric, and Logic) and the Quadrivium- the numerical arts (Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy). The significance of the seven liberal arts is emphasized by Isidore of Seville in Etymologies. Isidore explains the discovery, the use and the divisions amongst these topics. Ancient and medieval authors thought that these seven arts were propaedeutic to the study of all topics and matters. Their belief remains evident in our school systems, as many universities and colleges focus on providing a liberal arts education. In fact, the Dedman College at Southern Methodist University mentions the importance of a liberal arts education in their mission,…show more content…
In today’s society, it is still evident that these topics are a necessary discussion in universities and colleges across the United States. The seven liberal arts serve as the groundwork for the development of other materials. The verbal arts address how one may appropriately discuss or present topics. Rhetoric, for example, is the fluency of speech or “the art of speaking well in civil cases, for the purpose of persuading people” (69). Dialectic (logic), on the other hand, “separates the true from the false by very subtle argumentation” (39). These arts address how one should present or discuss topics. Isidore of Seville uses rhetoric, logic, and grammar to establish the etymology of different matters, such as the Quadrivium. For instance, when he discusses music, he emphasizes its influence, its ability to provoke emotions and the way it can call one’s senses to…show more content…
From when astronomy was discovered until now, astronomers have made a great deal of progress towards understanding the stars, planets and the sun. It would be important to gain this understanding in order to fully understand our Earth and therefore our lives. Astronomy is one of the seven liberal arts because it serves as a foundation for additional research. The creator of astronomy, whoever he or she is, was most likely “prompted by the reasoning of his (or her) mind, and through the changing of the season, through the fixed and defined courses of the stars…” (99). The desire to better understand our lives on earth has been stimulated by the study of astronomy. Without astronomy, we would not understand the significance of light or day or understand what makes the seasons change throughout a year. Isidore of Seville uses his understanding of the Trivium to reason and explain how relatable astronomy is to our lives. The “five zones of the heaven”, for example, is the explanation for different temperate climates on earth. There are five zones – Arctic, Summer Tropic, Equinoctial, Antarctic, and Winter Tropic. The earth is divided into these zones and their climates are explained by the rotation of the earth and the amount of exposure to the sun. In primary school, most students learn about the Equinoctial, more commonly known as the equator. This area of the Earth

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