Importance Of Innovation In Entrepreneurship

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In our world today we can’t deny that the economy is consisting of a combination of both enterprises and businesses. Therefore, our economy has been surviving as the economic or industry leaders are able to catch the changing of trends and able to adapt to the changing environmental to satisfy needs and wants. Other than that, small businesses are also considered to have involved in an vital part of our economy as there are many of them entering, sustaining and existing in the market. Without small businesses, our economy would not survive as the entrepreneur has been one of the biggest matter that helps to gain financial sources in the economy which allows the economy to stay afloat. To be more exact, entrepreneurs are the innovator that brings…show more content…
Also, producers can come up with the incremental innovation to improve the product line that suites to the recent lifestyles of consumers or users such as Apple that has developed their phone series from a normal touch screen phone to a touch and face ID to unlock the devices. However, there are some importances of innovation in entrepreneurship as it is considered as a key value for a business longevity. If there is no innovation in entrepreneurship, the business would not be able to survive for a long period as the demand for goods and services are changing over a period of time. For example, Polaroid Corporation that went bankruptcy because of the failure of its senior management to anticipate the effect of digital cameras on its film…show more content…
Which simply means that the entrepreneurs seek the chance to create an innovative in entrepreneurship to make the world a better place or more comfortable for everyone in it. The solutions can be involved to make things easier and more useful when there is a ever changing needs in the society. Innovation has contributed to be part of the success of the organization as entrepreneur is an innovator. This means that entrepreneur would not only find a solution to a need but they would keep creating ideas and figure out until they are able to show up with multiple solutions which could be innovative solution that able to lead the world’s economy. In addition, the factor that raises the crucial of innovation in entrepreneurship is that there is a competition which stimulate the entrepreneur to have a better idea and provide better solution than their competitor but still in a lower price and keeping the cost effective and quality in order to gain competitive advantages and steal market share (Shukla,
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