The Importance Of Entrepreneurship

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Today, any country’s economic growth has to slot in entrepreneurship as one of the most critical factor. Entrepreneural activities give birth of number of opportunities in the economy. Micro and small enterprises can be named for this purpose. Innovation can be geared up with the initiative of entrepreneurship. In global environment entrepreneurship has also gained importance. The term “entrepreneurship” comes from the French verb “entreprendre” and the German word “unternehmen”, both means to “undertake”. By grave and Hofer in1891 defined the entrepreneurial process as involving all the functions, activities, and actions associated with perceiving of opportunities and creation of organizations to pursue them_ Peter Drucker explained entrepreneurship…show more content…
One of the appropriate definition can also be coined that it is “a force that mobilizes to met unmet market demand.” Entrepreneurship is an skill to make something out of nothing. While we are thinking of entrepreneurship, some factors should be within us. One should have a dream to become entrepreneur. Apart from managerial skills some typical qualities viz. inner drive to success, decision making ability , risk taking , drive towards innovations , mentality of continuous learning etc. should be obvious (santhi,2011). In India, the path of becoming entrepreneur is also a challenge today.Family pattern may be one of the reason of obstacle. Son’s occupation is followed by father’s. If father is service holder , the inclination of son towards business is not very common. Even the motivation from the head of the family towards business is also not so very much expected. Besides , many cases are there where business man father wants his son or daughter should go for job not for…show more content…
May authors have pointed out the same in their study. Basu and Virick (2008) expressed that students’ career outlook can be changed with the former experience of entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education provides the light of entrepreneurial thinking , to take responsibility and to become enterprising(Frank et al, 2005). Unemployment is a root of many problems those exist in the economy. Different social problems are very much within the purview of unemployment. Self employment initiative can overcome lots of troubles in relation to this. Beeka and Rimmington(2011) expressed that entrepreneurship is one of the better career option for the graduates. Liking of Employers are also changing and tending towards those graduates who have enterprising skills and able to work in difficult and challenging environment (Lourenco et al. 2013). Okpara (2007) thinks that creation make changes of the existing market and that will become the uniqueness of the entrepreneur. With the help of creativity and innovation entrepreneur drives the society as well as economy. These two are the major weapons to achieve success. Degree of cohesiveness in a group also contributes to entrepreneurial success(Karanja
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