The Russian Revolution In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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The Animal Farm is a satire and prophecy of the Russian Revolution, written by George Orwell in 1945. George Orwell was a political satirist who led a strange life. His real name was Eric Arthur Blair which was later changed to George Orwell to have a more English pen name. He grew up as an orphan and had many temporary jobs until he finally became a writer. The novel Animal Farm is George Orwell’s way of portraying his ideas of the Russian Revolution. According to C. Passantino-Mitchel, the animals in the novel directly parallel to the people in the revolution and the events in the revolution were completely related to the events that took place in Animal Farm. Old Major has connections to both Karl Marx and Lenin. In 1848, Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto; this is paralleled in the first chapter of the book, when Old Major tells the animals his ideas for animal equality. Old Major talks about how…show more content…
They both disagreed constantly, and both had vital roles on the farm. Like Trotsky, Snowball was exiled by secret police in order to get rid of the only opposition in the area. One major comparison between the book and the actual Russian Revolution, are the plans Snowball and Napoleon have about the windmill. Snowball wants to generate electricity so he could modernize the farm, and expand its uses. This is parallel to how Trotsky wanted communism to spread around the world, but Stalin wanted it to stay in Russia Vyacheslav Molotov was one of Stalin's most loyal supporters. He was Stalin's Prime Minister in the 1930's, and signed many of the documents that sent Russians away to exile or death. His loyalty can no doubt be related to Squealer, both of them were supportive of their leaders, even during tough times. They were also both involved with dealing with people outside their jurisdiction, Molotov was eventually made Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, and Squealer frequently dealt with other
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