The Importance Of International Human Resource Management

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The world had become an international area and this caused many industries extend in their offer to also become worldwide. Development of the industries and company in globally needs to have recruitment of a multi culture people to work in each individual place. Selecting and recruiting the best staff is constantly the biggest challenge for the Multinationals Companies. It is essential to have a good staff as it is directly related with the performance of the staff which can have a big impact in the Multinational companies. According to the goal and action of the company, Human Resource Management had a direct link with the company’s achievement .Human Resource Management is the part of organization which main function is to look after the…show more content…
It consists of the global management of people not only of the migrant country but of the Main Company as well. All the business expertise or Manufacturing quantity and quality depend upon them. These kinds of Multinational companies bring their own m business style with them. It cannot ignore the international impact in their work. The quick development and international challenges has placed the need of MNCs in nowadays (D’Aveni, 1995; segal-Horn and Faulkner, 1999).Human resource management in global company differs significantly from that in domestic enterprises. International human resource management is explicitly concerned with recruitment, selection, pre departure training, compensation and reparation of employees. Managing the expatriate process is, by itself, a distinct concept. A growing consensus among leading executives and management theorist indicates, however that organization must create comprehensive programs for sending personnel abroad. Supporting their efforts while away and repatriating…show more content…
International Human Resource Management aim on the management of human resources on a global basis. For a multi-national corporation, choosing the right approach influences the great implementation of the major international human resource management functions. Those companies that take the ethnocentric approach attempt to impose their home country methods on their subsidiaries. But it results in bad outcomes in the subsidiaries. Various issues arisen from the ethnocentric approach are confronted by the corporations that adopt ethnocentric approach. The multi-national corporations have to find another approach to effective carry out the global competitive strategy and deal with the local tough issues in subsidiaries. The geocentric approach can effectively represent local considerations and constraints in the decision-making process and maximize the number of decision options available in the local environment. Multinational companies actively create cultural shock can be minimize e cadres of international mangers drawn from host country and third country sources. The reason that the company gets when hiring the local executives are can be summarized as follows. Necessity of the local image create feeling of more comfortable working with the others rather than foreigners. Finally, we can conclude that executives need to have knowledge and understanding about culture,
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