Julius Caesar Truth

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The Upheaval of The Truth Actions and motives are a sincere entity that is distinguished in an individual since their first movement in this universe. It tends to create a personality of them in society and they are known to be such beings for their attitude towards certain objects. Thus, the play, Julius Caesar, written by William Shakespeare, provokes various characteristics of individuals, such as Cassius and Marcus Brutus, where they are involved in a catastrophe of the murder of Caesar. Throughout the play, it is questioned whether Brutus willingly joined the conspiracy against Caesar or was tricked into such an act, however, it is concluded that Brutus was deceived, due to holding characteristics of being easily persuaded, honorable,…show more content…
Somewhere inside every human there's a certain honor that resides, whether from successful tournaments or attending tremendous events. Honor comes from gaining high respect and boosting self-esteem and no individual in this universe tends to prove to the world that they are a coward and a failure because within the eyes of society then you have lost your dignity. Thus, in the play, Julius Caesar, Brutus stands up against Caesar for the cost of honor. He states, "For let the gods so speed me as I love the name of honor more than I fear death,"(I,II,23). Brutus had proved to the society and even Cassius that anything can be done through his hands if it involves the name of honor, which can even mean killing oneself. In addition, honor had played a key role in Julius Caesar and was brought to a benefit of Cassius to allow Brutus into the conspiracy because legacy is everything that Brutus wanted to create. When Brutus had stabbed Caesar with the last sword, he stated, "Ambition's debt is paid,"(III, I, 109). In these 4 words of his, he had proposed to the Romans the fact that Caesar's death was the cost and the consequence to the ambition he had of being a tyrant. However, not only did fearing death, but being feared of glory give a chance to Cassius to put it in effect to convince Brutus, but also did the respect he had gained from the people of Rome. Though, Romans respected him highly after Caesar's death and during Brutus's speech at…show more content…
They will never allow a tyrant take place or have the democracy vanished. Brutus, as being the protagonist, in Julius Caesar, had fulfilled the same thing, however, with a different option. The different option of joining the conspiracy with Cassius of murdering Caesar. It is important to realize that Brutus was not only a honorable, loyal, and a valiant individual, but he was the one that brought together the words of citizenship by being patriotic. Brutus says, "Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more,"(III, II, 127). He had opened the eyes of many by stating that Rome should be safe until I am here and if Caesar was alive he would have been a deadly tyrant for the Romans. Consequently, Cassius as always had taken this for his benefit to complete his plan of removing Caesar for a life-time. Hence, when the letters were sent to Brutus, it was stated by Cassius that, "If the redress will follow, thou receivest, thy full petition at the hand of Brutus!"(II, I, 59). Brutus was struck by such a letter and thought his importance was valid and he has the capability of serving his country, Rome. Whether looking at it this way around or the other way around, Cassius had fulfilled his needs through the pledge an individual takes to serve his country sincerely. Patriotism that is taken for

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