The Importance Of Human Rights In The Philippines

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Introduction In a perfect world, 19,568, 34,000, and 70,000 are some numbers you’d only find in paychecks rightfully awarded to individuals because of their hard work, but this is far from a perfect world, and something unexpectedly morbid lies behind these numbers. According to the Philippine National Police spokesman, Chief Supt. Dionardo Carlos (2018), 19,568 is the number of homicide cases recorded since the start of the drug war, with 2,235 of them being drug related. These are some estimates of victims and casualties during the Marcos era. According to Amnesty International, 70,000 people have been imprisoned because they have been considered ‘enemies of the state’ for their political actions. 34,000 is the number of people that have…show more content…
Right now, you may be currently asking why and how this affects you if you are a law-abiding citizen. Criminally charged or not, no one deserves to go through inhumane consequences, and they are all entitled to just and due process. Victims of injustice have been proven innocent before or after their untimely demise, and the only “crime” that can be held against them is the “crime” of speaking out against what they believe is not right. Because of the utter lack of due process, justice, and humanity, the next casualty might be any of us, and despite how innocent we must have been, there’ll always be someone out there willing to vilify us and drastically alter the details of our stories. The Philippine government should start giving importance to human rights by compensating for victims of human rights violations in order to stop the further violation of the rights of the marginalized. Body The marginalized and their allies are targeted by the Filipino government and have their rights violated the most. Marcos’ regime targeted communists and the free

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