Importance Of Ethics In Organizational Change

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Introduction Ethics is a system of proper conduct that governs a person or a particular group behavior. It involves the study people’s values. For instance the importance of being equal in rights or opportunities of all men and women, obedience to the rules of the land, health and safety concern, natural environment. Organizations are managed in a way that respects individual’s rights, sticks to democratic principles, and give rise to commitment, involvement, and trust. The Ethics of Managing Change Managers are involved with human behaviors that are ethical thus shaping the lives of those within or outside the organization. The role and commitment of individual gives the manager responsibility to impose certain desired ways for guidance. Management values may differ with those of employees. For instance, the goal of most organizations would be to increase efficiency, maximize effectiveness and productivity. However, workers may have different objective compared to those. As such, the manager is required to change the value system of both the organization and its members (Woodall, 1996). The determined attempt of the organizational change is to make progressively greater power of the management in comparison with other members. First, there is the planned…show more content…
However, the management knowledge of ethical dilemma that are essential in organizational change ensures the manager become more sensitive to the concern of others and act in an ethical manner. The sectors need a lot of attention. First, is who ascertain the need for change, the intended results, and the organizational values? It is addressed by discussing through various public organizations duty. As it is obvious, the manager who pursues the change in an organization for self-interest is unethical. Federal agencies are most importantly accountable to public services. Thus, they ensure change is consistent with their
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