Importance Of Organizational Culture

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1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND COMMITMENT Organizational culture and commitment have extensive significance in industrial and organizational environment. Culture is a coherent system of assumptions and basic values, which distinguish one group to another and familiarizes its choices. Hence, organizational culture implies 'a prototype of basic assumptions that imaginary exposed and urbanized by a given group as it learns from external and internal implementation. It has worked well enough to be measured valid and to be taught a new member as the accurate way to perceive, believe and feel in relation to the work environment. Organizational culture understands as a decisive element in the conception of high performance workplaces. A company's…show more content…
Some talk of it as a 'social glue'. Those are to express sympathy the idea of organizational culture that what it does is sensitize people to the softer, less the tangible, more subtle aspects of organizational life. So, the organizational culture seems to mean talking about the importance for people of symbolism that is of rituals, myths, stories, and legends and about the interpretation of measures, ideas and experiences that are prejudiced and shaped by the group of people in the organization. A key role of organizational culture is to distinguish the organization from others and provide a sense of distinctiveness for its members. Organizational culture does not essentially have to always be a logical or consistent, in fact, they rarely are and can emerge quite haphazard and confused to the outsider. It can also have subgroups with different cultures and with varying agendas. A strong culture is one that is internally dependable, is widely shared, and makes it clear what it expects and how it wished people to act and…show more content…
There has also been no requirement of where these ‘employee-focused’ individuality emanate; it is assumed that they attach somehow globally to ‘the organization’. It might be argued that supports, fairness and value may be supposed by organization members to reside closer to the routine and intense arrangements of employees with their sub-units and subcultures than in a global and often distant and abstract ‘organization’. The achievement of any organization depends on the match between individuals and the culture of the organization. Organizational culture is a set of operating principles that decide how people behave within the context of the company. Underlying the observable behaviors of people are the beliefs, values and assumptions that dictate the actions. Successful organizations are often credited with having an appropriate organizational culture and / or structure in place that allows them to attain this pinnacle of
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