Sigmund Freud's Theory Of Morality

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1. The new physics undermine faith in the logical, Newtonian worldview of the nineteenth century and add to the uncertainty of the age by introducing shattering new developments such as that radium emits subatomic particles, not having a constant atomic weight discovered by Marie Curie, that subatomic energy is emitted unevenly and that energy and matter are two different things, discovered by Max Planck. Even that, atoms are now the basic building blocks of nature, also discovered by Max Planck, and especially the theory of special relativity discovered by Albert Einstein. He discovered that time and space were relative to the viewpoint of the observer and that the speed of light is the only constant for all frames of reference. This was incomprehensible…show more content…
The work and the writing of Sigmund Freud contributed to the growing uncertainty of the early twentieth century by changing the way people viewed humans; rather than being rational and logical creatures, Freud proved that humans were in fact irrational creatures. He began to base his insights on hysteria and concluded that human behavior was irrational, controlled by the conscious. He separated it into three structures: the id, ego, and superego. The id was the irrational part of the mind driven by sexual, aggressive, and pleasure-seeking instincts, thus being immoral and irrational. The superego kept the id in check as it was overly strict and puritanical. The superego was irrational. The ego was the only rational self that worked to find the median between the id and the superego. From this, Freud concluded that mental illness came about when these three structures were out of balance. He also argued that civilization was possible only when people renounced their irrational instincts. As a result, many people misinterpreted what Freud had concluded which resulted in many people thinking that they should engage in more sex, especially women. His discoveries furthered the uncertainty of people at the time because it weakened the optimism that once had about humans, giving a rather pessimistic outlook as all humans are…show more content…
The major expressionists are Henry Matisse and Pablo Picasso. They were hoping to accomplish portraying real objects and people in a distorted way, whether through colors, lines or shapes, to evoke feelings with their art work. Henry Matisse headed the expressionist movement in which he painted Women with a Hat, that used many different colors that were not realistic to a woman but evokes emotion, and Luxe, Calme et Volupté, which was a very colorful painting of people eating on a shore near the water. Pablo Picasso founded the cubist movement in which he distorted realistic objects through fragmenting them and showing them from different perspectives. It was a very abstract movement that again was used to evoke emotion. Girl with a Mandolin and Guernica were some of his famous paintings. Guernica portrayed the bombing of a Spanish city by the German Luftwaffe during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. Additionally, Expressionists films like Nosferatu and Metropolis were created at the
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