Importance Of E-Learning And Knowledge Management

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3.3 E-learning and Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Knowledge management (KM) is a process that helps organisations identify, select, organize, disseminate, and transfer important information and expertise that are part of the organisation’s memory and that typically reside within the organisation in an unstructured manner (Turban 2006, p. 367). In 1986 Karl Wiig first introduced the concept of knowledge management. Later, in 1990, Peter Senge in his book "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization" introduced the concept of a learning organization - a company capable of continuous self-learning. In 1991 Knowledge Management comes to a practical level: Swedish insurance company "Scandia" has approved a…show more content…
Firstly, as infrastructure is a complex of interconnected and interrelated elements of hardware technology to the natural culture, it is difficult to determine the dependence of the final result from specific actions. Typically, causal links within the infrastructure are not transparent, and it has a significant impact on its inertness in the face of change. Moreover, it creates challenges in the calculation of implementation costs for the projects, such as e-learning, connected to the…show more content…
It is critically important for the organization to invest in the transformation of theoretical skills into practice. However, what would have been the unforeseen costs of change management, they tend to be higher than expected. The consequence of this is that the economic benefits of the introduction of e-learning are usually overpriced and the result of the implementation, as a rule, disappoints leaders, reduces their trust, in particular, to techniques for calculating the economic benefits of e-learning programs implementation. E-learning by M. Armstrong E-learning involves the use of computer, networked and web-based technology to provide learning material and guidance to individual employees. It can be delivered through a firm’s intranet system. E-learning enhances learning by extending and supplementing face-to-face learning rather than replacing it. It enables learning to take place when it is most needed (just-in-time as distinct from just-in-case) and when it is most convenient. Learning can be provided in short segments or bites that focus on specific learning objectives. It is ‘learner-centric’ in that it can be customized to suit an individual’s learning needs – learners can choose different learning objects within an overall package. The main drawbacks are the need for learners to be self-motivated, the time and effort required to develop and update e-learning programmes and, sometimes, the availability of

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