Hidden Figures By Margot Lee Shetterly Analysis

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Summer Reading Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly For the head, Mary Jackson stars straight ahead, and looks as if to be lost in thought to represent her determination and to match the quote where she is shown wondering why the black and white kids are separated. In the quote, Mary Jackson has for the first time walked into a white school and is shocked to find, to her astonishment, that it is the same as the school for the colored school. She than goes onto imagine what if the schools were combined to provide better resources. Moving onto the heart, Mary’s heart is big and cartoon-like depicting her love for children. Her heart also has a shimmer in the top right representing the hope she has for the children’s future. In the quote it demonstrates how she goes out her way to provide for the children, her own and her students, cultivating them with experiences and teaching them they can accomplish anything.…show more content…
In the illustration, Mary Jackson ’s mouth is in a straight line representing how she stood firm by her calculations in her argument against Becker, when he insisted that her calculations were wrong. Instead of caving, she stood by her calculations, and it turned out that she was right but had been given the wrong numbers to work with. Her ears are not hidden by her hair but are blatantly shown pointing out to the sides of her heads. This portrays her capability to notice her surroundings and the people around her. Her ears are also accessorized by earrings adding to her ears, which represents how her skill is an advantage she uses helping her to be an intuitive judge of

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