Importance Of Playing Chess

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Playing chess is fun because you meet new people and gain experience to become a better player. I remember my first tournament, It was a usual Friday night other than the fact that I will participate in my first chess tournament the next day. I made sure I set my alarm to 6:00 am so I can get a good night’s sleep. Once it was time to sleep I brushed my teeth, and in my comfortable pajamas, layed in bed until I hear a beeping noise. “*Beep* *Boop*”, I sprung out of my bed like a wound up slinky. I quickly go through my morning routine which consists of going to the bathroom and changing. What should I wear? I scanned my closet that is full of sweaters, T-shirts, sweat pants and jeans. I decided on wearing the blue denim jeans, a dull grey t shirt…show more content…
While she was getting dressed I thought there is no better time than now to practice some tactics on my phone(Chess puzzles). I am ready, both physically and mentally, this is going to go great! My mom put on her coat and shoes and we left the house. I opened the door and heard the birds chirping, squirrels quickly flee from our backyard, and felt the cold breeze across my face. It was so early the sun had not rose yet. Once we were in our old silver toyota, I asked her if i can get some practice driving, she thought about it but said no it was too dangerous in this weather. Well it was worth the shot and she is probably right, I don’t want to possibly get a ticket or get in an accident and ruin my day or life. As we approached the school I say my coach and a few other team members carry some bags to the activity bus, I told my mom to drop me off. As I leave the car my mom says, “Have fun and call me if you need anything!” I nod my head with a smile and head towards the group. I greet my coach and get in bus with my friends. I notice we have about 10 people on the bus including my friend Sami who is also new to the team but has been playing longer than

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