Impact Of Work Culture On Work Performance

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IMPACT OF WORK CULTURE ON MOTIVATION: AN OVERVIEW IN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh K. Yadav1, Dr. Shriti Singh2 1Professor & Director, School of Management, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal (M.P.) 2Associate Professor, Maharana Pratap College of Management, Bhopal (M.P.) Email -:, Abstract: Employee attributes relate to the capacity to perform, employee inclination to put in work effort relates to willingness or motivation to perform, and organizational support given to employee at work relate to opportunity to perform. These three factors when combined determine performance outcome. Productivity or performances outcomes = Individual Attributes x motivation to put in effort x Organizational…show more content…
Although the cultural cores of many companies have been eroded by radical shifts in the environment or the actions of management, those that survive continue to perpetuate corporate and individual well-being. It has been often noticed that such shift brings about minimal changes in the organization, but we are bound to put on our thinking cap to assess the reason behind such minimum change. The minimization of any radical change is because of the culture that is there in the organization. The impact of organizational culture- beliefs, attitudes, values and expectations shared by most organization members brings about stability. If we analyze the conditions it is often noticed that if such stability is there in an organization it acts as a positive force and contributes towards the betterment of the organization. It is often found that the organizational culture once established remains the same unless a major change comes up. And if at all such a change takes place it has its impact on all areas of the…show more content…
The motivation situation in these countries is not satisfactory because the government there seldom realized the importance of this factor. The slow growth was attributed to factors like failure of government policies, change in international economies, etc. but the real reason behind such thing is the ineffective management of the resources of the country. The main emphasis is on the attainment of goals but the management does not realize that the goal can be reached pretty fast only if the organization and use of resources is proper. Managing organizations for socio-economic development requires effective utilization of three types of resources economic or monetary, Physical or material & social or human. When the question arises about the resources it is to be noted that human resource is not properly managed in such economies. Of these three resources human resource is the most critical one and also the most neglected one. The management doesnot realize that only through the proper utilization of human resources the desired result can be

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