The priority nursing diagnosis for this patient is ineffective airway clearance. This is related to the patient’s history of smoking, inability to cough and clear secretions, and presence of an artificial airway. When suctioning, the nurse should assess the color and viscosity of the secretions. A sudden change in the color or a new odor usually indicates an infection. The patient showed signs of dyspnea before suctioning, and rhonchi was present in the anterior portion of the lungs. Interventions
The final nursing diagnosis for this patient is powerlessness because of the dependence on others and being unable to perform the roles that was once being accomplished. Being diagnosed with a terminal illness may causes a patient to feel hopeless and powerless. Most common psychosocial symptoms patients experience within a year of having an esophagectomy consist of lack of energy, problems with concentration, and lack of interest (Ginex et al., 2013). The nurse should assess the patient for these
CONCEPT 3 VITAL SIGNS This concept is taken from module 2 titled vital signs assessment techniques Vital signs are observation made by nursing staff it is an act of assessing circulatory, respiratory and endocrine body functions it include temperature pulse, respiratory rate blood pressure oxygen saturation and pain Temperature is hotness or coldness of body as compared with standard scale it the normal temperature is 36.8 to 37.2 It can vary with different condition like during menstruation
Nursing Metaparadigm Mindmap Dana Walker Texas Tech Health Sciences Center Metaparadigm is defined as the global concepts that identify the phenomenon of central interest to a discipline (Fawcett 2005). Nursing Paradigms are models that demonstrate correlation between the existing theoretical works in nursing. There are four major elements that make up the Nursing Metaparadigm. Those elements are person, health, environment and nursing. Neuman’s model discusses stress, the body’s reaction to
For my assignment I am going to talk about two vital skills in nursing; clinical judgement and decision making. Clinical judgement is the conclusion or enlightened opinion at which a nurse arrives following a process of observation, reflexion and analysis of observable or available information or data (Ankner, 2012). Clinical judgement is vital in nursing so that errors are avoided and that the best possible care is given to the client. Clinical judgement is defined as not only being able to make
The field of nursing is widely dynamic and as a result there cannot exist one philosophy of nursing. Nursing is strengthened and made richer when there are multiple philosophies that exist to work in conjunction and build upon one another. Not only does nursing require the diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury, but nursing also entails the commitment to being an advocate of individuals, families, and communities and ensuring equal protection from harm and supporting health promotion. Looking
The definition of Nursing according to ANA is the “protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (NursingWorld). The metaparadigm model of nursing has 4 parts: the Person, the Environment, Health and illness, and Nursing (Hood 2006). The parts of Person, Environment, and Health & illness
Portfolio project Throughout the years of studying for the nursing program, a lot of information have been read, revise and analyzing with the intention of developing a better understanding of the nursing role on the medical field. By being able to look back to a variety of prior papers created as part of the program, the understanding of the intention of those projects become clearer as development of researching, analyzing, critical thinking and understanding of evidence base practice. The rationalization
The Connecticut Nurse Practice Act defines advance nursing practice as the " performance of advanced level nursing practice activists that, by virtue of post basic specialized education and experience, are appropriate to and may be performed by an APRN". This act describes the role of an APRN as one that "performs acts of diagnosis and treatment of alternations in health status" including collaborating under a physician to prescribe, dispense, and administer therapeutic and corrective medical interventions
Nursing definition by American Nursing Association is the "protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities and population. The way it addresses the metaparadigm theories of nursing comprises of 4 parts which are person, health, nursing, and environment. Before we go through each one, what is "metaparadigm"