Balanced Scorecard Analysis

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The main tool available for analyzing performance of the organization is Balanced Scorecard, These are used to monitor organization progress and also to receive feedback on employee competence (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). The Popularized by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton through a series of articles in the Harvard Business Review The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic planning and reporting methodology that takes a company’s objectives and splits them between 4 equally important perspectives: 1. The financial perspective; How do we appear to our shareholders? 2. The customer perspective; How do we appear to our customers? 3. The internal/business perspective; what business process do we excel at? 4. The innovation and learning perspective;…show more content…
Objectives falling down throughout the four perspectives of above the company, or even departments and individuals can be evaluated on to determine whether they are on track. Managers can push employees to put as much thought into performance management as the financial objectives of the organization and tying performance management goals all the way up to the mission and vision of the company the strategy map solves the performance dilemma. Culture is ‘a pattern of shared basic assumptions invented, discovered or learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, which has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems. Schein (1985), Hofstede…show more content…
It may be impact on the success or failure of a project. Therefore, it is very important to see how different cultures impact on the international business companies. Organizational cultures can be directly affected on employee performance and motivation levels. If employee is consider themselves to be part of the corporate culture they work hard to achieve company goals & objectives. Culture different can be impact to employee performance even within one organization. While evaluation is being done by using balanced scorecard it is important to aware about these cultures in order to run the business smoothly. The behavior, attitude, thinking ability of people are different from each countries. It is a challenge for International Business environment. There is a gap between superior & subordinates when come to the international level. For some countries it could be manage since both are considering as same. But for some countries it is different. This culture difference is effected to organization
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