Literature Review Environmental Performance

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Literature Review Environmental performance and its components The emergence of the importance of environment in recent years is reflected in the outgrowth of literature and world forum focused on the environment. Recently held Paris Climate meeting marked the historic Paris agreement, which sets the stage for ambitious climate action by all signing countries to ensure that global temperatures rise no more than 2 degrees Celsius (United Nations SDG, 2016). There are several SDG goals which directly or indirectly set to achieve a sustainable environment. I have selected Environmental Performance Index (EPI, hereafter) as an indicator of environment health in our study mainly because three reasons. Firstly, EPI has established over a long period…show more content…
For instance, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1998) delivered cultural values for various countries. However, data for their study is based on individual items rather than indices (Bagchi and al., 2004; Gong and al., 2007). Another study by Inglehart (1998) provided values for 43 countries and ethnic groups. Accessing the limitation of other available studies, and continued validity in various application of Hofstede model (Hofstede, 2001), this research will use the Hofstede cultural dimensions. 1. Power Distance (PD) - Power Distance has been defined as the degree to which the relatively less powerful individuals of organizations and institutions agree and expect that power is distributed unequally (Hofstede, 2011). 2. Individualism (INDV) - Individualism (vs. Collectivism), is the degree to which people in society are integrated into groups. On the individualist culture, the ties between individuals are not strong (Hofstede,…show more content…
I could find only two research that focuses on the impact of national culture on environment performance that uses Hofstede cultural dimensions. The First study, Husted (2005), the first of its kind, provide a theoretical framework to examine the relationship and to test whether national culture has an impact on country’s social and institutional capacity for sustainability. The study uses four dimensiones of Hofstede culture and Environmental sustainability index report 2001 for 52 countries and uses correlation and regression statistical tool for analysis. The results indicate that individualism is positive whereas power distance and masculinity is negatively related. The second study, Park et al. (2007), employed same data as used by Husted (2005) but added education as controlling variable for 43 countries. The result indicates that power distance and masculinity are significantly negatively related to the ESI, while education is positively

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