Impact Of Stress In The Workplace

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Stress is a widespread component practiced by workforces around the world. Stress has become key problem for employer predominantly in emerging nations where the employer doesn’t understand the influence of stress on employee performance which employee Stress, Decision-making Role, Stress Management, Job Performance ultimately results in critical administrative problems. Giga and Hoel (2003) determined that high rates of unions, achievements, growing economic interdependence between countries due to globalization, technological development, and reformation have changed the organizational work over the last limited periods have caused in time gravity, unnecessary work demand, role conflicts, work study failures and challenging customer relationship…show more content…
Stress has many definitions it is a part of both social and concrete sciences. However, Stress is a universal experience in the life of each and every employee, even executives and managers. This study discloses the impact of stress on employees of organizations regardless of any discrimination of male and female employees, kind of organization, and department (Bashir, Asad 2007). Stress is basically is a mental strain from the internal or external stimulus that refrains a person to respond towards its environment in a normal manner. These stress levels can be internal or external from the doctors, from their personal lives or professional lives (Khuwaja, Ali Khan et al, 2002). Stress is a term that refers to sum of physical mental emotional strains or tensions on a person or feelings of stress which result from interactions between people and their environment that are perceived as straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their wellbeing, in addition stress has a wide psychological and physical effect as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems, headache, gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbance and depression (Ghaleb, Thuria 2008). Further researched that health sector has to face usually large amount of stress. Stress among doctors is high, the medical profession is suffering from increased stress, but most of the attention has been focused on junior doctors and their excessive hours of work (Caplan, R P,…show more content…
Doctors in the field of medicine have to usually face a lot hurdles and one the most evident factor which originates and impacts directly their personal and professional lives is stress. Low job satisfaction correlated with contemplation of giving up work due to stress, physicians and surgeons were more likely to have lower job satisfaction scores if they felt unable to remain competent in their field of work (Dowell, Anthony 2001). There is a negative correlation between job stress and job performance. Those subjects who had high level of job stress had low job performance. All the factors affected males more than females, incase of certain situation. The kind of stress towards which the doctors are exposed to usually result in such negative factor that places at the life of the innocents which they attend. And such stresses increases the chances of fatal errors lowering job performance (Kazmi Rubina,

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