What Are Some Examples Of Irony In The Lottery

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1. Where you surprised by the ending of the story? If not, at what point did you know what was going to happen? How does Jackson start to foreshadow the ending in paragraph 2 and 3? Conversely, how does Jackson lull us into thinking that this is just an ordinary story with an ordinary town? A: I was quite shocked by the ending of the story, mainly because I did not know exactly what the people of the village were competing in the lottery for. I was not sure if the win was for money, better jobs in the neibourhood, higher status. Never did it cross my mind that they would be drawing slips to see who would get stoned to death. I started to suspect that the “win” was not for a good prize when Tessie started to get upset and irritated at the crowd…show more content…
Tessie Hutchinson is singled out as the “winner” because she demanded a redraw of slips after her husband had drawn the dotted slip. Tessie ended up with the dotted slip after the redraw, which meant she was the “winner” of the lottery. 4. What are some examples of irony in this story? For example, why might the title, “The Lottery”, or the opening description in paragraph one, be considered ironic? A: The title, The Lottery, shows a great example of irony in this story. Even though this story is indeed based on a lottery, it is not the generic/positive type of lottery that we are used to. Instead it is an unusual Lottery than ends in the cruel death of Tessie Hutchinson. Furthermore, in paragraph one of The Lottery, Jackson paints us sort of a misleading picture. “The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.”(paragraph one). This opening description is ironic considering the fact that a lottery was about to take place to decide which member of the village would get stoned to
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