E-Commerce: The Different Types Of E-Business

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E-business is also known as electronic business. E-business is the application of information and communication technologies this is to support of all the activities of every business. Commerce affects the exchange of products and services between business, individuals and groups and can be seen as one of the essential activities of any business, this is known as the E-commerce. E-commerce will be more focus on the use of information and communication technologies to enable the external activities and relationship of the business with groups and business. E-commerce is trading in products or services using computer networks. E-commerce also refers to any transaction completed over a computer mediated network that involves the transfer of ownership…show more content…
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) is online businesses selling to individual consumers. Business-to-Business (B2B) is online businesses selling to other businesses. Furthermore, consumer-to-consumer (C2C) is consumers selling to other consumers. Mobile e-commerce (M-commerce) is the use of mobile devices to enable online transactions. Next will be social e-commerce, social e-commerce is refers to the e-commerce enabled by social networks and online social relationship. Lastly is local e-commerce, it is focused in engaging the consumer based on his or her current geographic…show more content…
Nowadays, there are many different kind of modern technology in the world so that there are some of the hotels have their own application or websites to let the consumers who want to know more information about the hotel. The aim for the hotels that created a website or application is the consumers can use their mobile phone to search the hotel’s website and know more about the hotels information so it is very convenient for the consumers and this is the used of mobile-commerce. Nowadays, most of the people have tablets, mobile phones, laptops and so on. People can carry them while they are travelling and people also like to social networking such as Facebook and Twitter are the latest phenomenon in the hotel industry. Similar Networking sites have given hotel operators the opportunity to directly connect with a new generation of travelers. Many hotels are using the social networking sites to offer discounted rates in an effort to stimulate

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