Essay On Consumer Ethnocentrism

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IV. Demographic co-variates and consumer ethnocentrism The demographic antecedents of the CET are comprehensively reported by most of the researchers in addition to import purchasing behaviour. The sole advantage of which is the demographic segmentation of consumers based on their favorable disposition to foreign products. Most of the previous researchers (e.g. Huddleston et al., 2001, Shankarmahesh, 2006 etc.) are of the basic view that understanding the relationship between demographic variables and the consumer ethnocentrism is utmost for marketers in determining the sensitivity of domestic buyers to foreign brands. However, Wanninayake and Chovancova (2012) are of the view that intensity of CET can vary according to demographic variables although they may not generate consumer ethnocentrism in human minds. The summation of previous research pertaining to demographic antecedents to the CET is mentioned in the table below. Table 4. Demographic antecedents of CET and their relationship with CET a. Age More…show more content…
According to Shankarmahesh (2006), the magnitude of the correlation between income and CET can be extended proportionately with the social class and CET i.e. one can hypothesize that as consumers move up the social ladder, their ethnocentric tendencies tend to fall. This hypothesis is also supported by Han (1988) and Klein and Ettenson (1999). However, no consistent pattern is observed regarding the negative correlation of social class and CET, which is evident from the studies of Sharma (1987) who demonstrated that consumers from the upper class are more ethnocentric than upper middle and lower classes. Even Caruana (1996) argued that occupation, a main determinant in social class is not related to CET, thus concluding that social class and CET are remotely

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