Identity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ was published in the year 1960 by Harper Lee (Wikipedia “To Kill a Mockingbird”). Lee explores the issues of race and class in the Deep South of the 1930’s with her compassion and humour through the eyes of Jean Louise and Jem Finch but still clinging tightly to her traditional values. The protagonist, deals with the issues of racism while gaining knowledge, experience, strength, and courage, while her father, a lawyer, is persecuted for defending a falsely accused black man being charged with raping a white girl. There are many literary theories present in the book that make an impact on how the reader interprets the storyline. The use of culture and feminism is strongly depicted in the relationship…show more content…
Calpurnia is a black woman who helps Atticus raise Jem and Scout after their mother’s death (SparkNotes: To Kill a Mockingbird). She has a strict and stern attitude which is significant in the upbringing of the children and influencing their views and personalities whilst being a motherly figure. It is a novel which has influenced many, and mostly in the areas of racism, and female stereotypes. Lee’s personal background and historical context has made an impact on the culture and society and many other people’s interpretations of the book. It has effectively achieved change in the world, and has made an affect on many areas of society. The southern societies pressured men to behave as gentlemen, and women were expected to be polite and wear dresses. Scout went against this ‘expectation’ and disobeyed the morals. Calpurnia on the other hand being a woman of the African American race also went against the social norms, of working in a white mans house and earning the sufficient amount of money to live life like a white American person. These stringent gender roles were adhered to in small southern towns because they were isolated from the more progressive attitudes in other areas of the United States.
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