Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Maycomb’s struggles with racism and the injustice embedded deep into their society shows how far the fight for justice has come. Scout tells the story through her perspective starting with the torments her family receives to the aftermath of the verdict. The suspenseful trial of Tom Robinson and the racism in the south was documented through Scott, a young impressionable white girl. In Between the trials, Scout and her brother Jem learned memorable lessons and dealt with being an outcast in a town where all of the citizens think the same. But, critics feel as though the book should be kept out of schools because of the context in the book. To Kill a Mockingbird touch topics like racism in a way that some may consider disrespectful, but the novel actually talked…show more content…
Scout’s perspective showcase the racial injustice of the Tom Robinson trial, which influences the way students will deal with real life encounters of injustice. During the trial, Dill’s breakdown when Tom Robinson’s trial was going poorly impacted readers due to the emotions that was going through him. It shows the raw emotion that people feel in real life. In responce to the injustice of the Tom Robinson trail, Dill says, “I don’t care one speck. It ain't right, somehow it ain’t right to do ‘em that way. Hasn’t anybody got business talkin like that- it just makes me sick” (Lee 266). The books raw emotions and feelings leaves an effect on the reader, which leads them to challenge, or ask themselves, what would they do if they were witnessing or facing racial injustice. To Kill a Mockingbird should be kept in the curriculum because it challenges students to think or act in real life situations dealing with racial injustice. Several educators argued that more could be done during the trial. Monroe H. Freedman, a college professor at Hofstra Law School, believes that Atticus could’ve done more as a lawyer. Freedman states, “Could he not introduce one bill to migrate the evils
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