To Kill A Mockingbird Good Vs Evil

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In Harper Lee’s novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, the themes play a fundamental role. The most important theme is the exploration of the moral nature of human beings, essentially whether people are good or evil. The importance of this theme is reflected throughout the entire story as it follows the transition of Scout and Jem’s innocent childhood perspective on the presence of good and evil in their lives to a more adult perspective. Scout and Jem initially assume that all people are good, as they have never seen evil, however, as they grow up this perception is distorted as they come to the realisation that they have confronted evil and must incorporate it into their understanding of the world. Another aspect of this theme is explored through the threat that hatred, prejudice, and ignorance pose to the innocent: people such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are not prepared for the evil that they encounter, and, as a result, they are destroyed. This is reflected in the event of Tom Robinson’s trial. In this event, Atticus’s will and efforts to fight for justice of the innocent are successful in pointing out the faults in Mayella’s case, however, despite the obvious evidence, the jury goes ahead with its decision to charge Tom Robinson as guilty. It is apparent that this verdict has one reason behind it, the fact that Tom is an African American.

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