To Kill A Mockingbird Conscience Analysis

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Harper Lee’s classic novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ is set in a small town in Alabama, during the early twentieth century. The novel is written in the first person from the perspective of Scout Finch as an adult looking back at her childhood experiences. The protagonist Atticus Finch is a lawyer, who takes a case that impacts his children lives and the way they are treated by the community. A case that involves a black man accused and charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the use of both Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores the absurd behaviour of adults in regards to race and class. The town shows prejudice, violence and hypocrisy though the case of one man’s struggle for justice. ‘The one thing that doesn’t abide by the majority…show more content…
Injustice is without a doubt shown in part two of the novel during the trial of Tom Robertson, a black man charged with rape against a white girl. “In the name of God, do your duty.” this quote stated by Atticus to the jury is a form of indirect pleading. Atticus knows that the jury will decide against Tom Robertson, due to the colour of his skin even though they come from the same social standards. Atticus pleads to the jury in hope that it will help to change their minds and make a clear decision, allowing the court to be equal without discrimination. The men are asked to act with justice and not prejudice. Following the trial Scout realises that she must except that an innocent man can be convicted in the court of Law. This indirectly relates to Tom Robertson being a mockingbird symbolising through the use of motifs “…it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” that a sin has been committed by accusing Tom, being the mockingbird, of a crime he never committed. This quote is stated to Scout as a learning opportunity which is ironic to the court case, through the use of collegial language within

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