Information Communication Technology (ICT)?

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What is information communications technology (ICT)? ICT refers to a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, to create, disseminate, store and manage information (Tinio, 2003). These include the internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), telephone, manila, TV, web camera, LCD projector, Microsoft, spread sheet.(Tinio, 2003).According to Hardy (2000), information and communication technology is used to refer to the variety of tools and techniques relating to computers, communications including both directed and broadcast, to information sources such as CD-ROM and the internet, and associated technologies such as robots, video conferencing and digital TV. Dunmill&Arslanagic (2006) state that ICT…show more content…
Jo Shan Fu (2013) further state that as time goes by, people will have to expect and be willing to seek out new sources of knowledge, so skills in using ICT will be essential to this learners .ICT tends to expand access to education, through ICT, learning can occur anytime and anywhere (Jo Shan Fu (2013) also states that online course materials, for example, can be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, teleconferencing classrooms allow both learner and teacher to interact simultaneously with ease and convenience. Based on ICT , learning and teaching no longer depend exclusively on printed materials, multiple resources are abundant on the internet, and knowledge can be acquired through video clips, audio sounds, visual presentation and so on ( Jo Shan Fu, 2013)Current research has indicated that ICT assists in transforming a teaching environment into a learner- centered one (Castro Sanchez and Aleman 2011).Since learners are actively involved in the learning processes in ICT classrooms, they are authorized by the teacher because ICT requires hands on activities to make decisions, plans and so forth (Lu, Hou and Huang…show more content…
According to Okoli (2010)Business Education is that aspect of the total educational programme that provides knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes needed to perform effectively in the business world as a producer and/ or consumer of goods and services that businessesoffers.Business Education is an important part of general education which emphasizes skills acquisition for office use. Business Education is a programme of instruction that consists of two parts, namely office educator- a programme of vocation for office careers, and general business education- a programme which provides the recipients with competencies and skills needed in managing personal business affairs and using the services of the business world (Ezenwafor,
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