Human Resources In The Workplace

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Human resources play a very important role in every company. It acts as the blood stream of the organization. An organization without human resources is just a group of people in a team they cannot operate without it. Over the past decades HR roles evolves quite significantly. They significantly affect the business execution of the company. HR is responsible for the effective use of the employee in the organization. Additionally they characterize how the mission and the objectives of the company will be accomplished through individuals in the short and the long run. Human resources department functions as a gateway for every future employee. First their main function is finding the right person for the job, during the hiring process HR…show more content…
They are responsible for keeping the employees safe. Solving issues such as sexual harassment, bullying and discrimination. HR at all cost must listen and address workers problems to have a positive atmosphere in the environment. It was point out by Armstrong (2009) that it must be in the employers best interest to be concerned with employee in light of the fact that this will improve the probability of their workers being conferred to the company and help to set up it as a 'best work environment'. HR must implement rules and regulation to avoid such issues and ethical…show more content…
Individuals need to know they have the right to discuss their opinion and that they are being valued. Being involve or being a part of the team also increase morale it is essential that organizations show their trust in their workforce by permitting workers to give and share ideas relating the subject. Appreciation affects the morale as well in any working environment, Managers need to treat each worker as an individual, and recognize their diligent work, effort and commitments to the company. If organization keeps the employee satisfied the more confident and productive they will be. (Fretwell, 2002) Role of HR is to make employee satisfied and happy with their job. Once HRM increased organizational morale motivating employee will be an easy job since the atmosphere that surrounds the company quickly changes into positive one. Human Resources management can also be considered as a Strategic business partner because they help change the workers aptitudes and preparing the workers to address the issues of the business. The more you train an employee the more money they bring to the
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