Importance Of Privacy In The Workplace

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In this modern world, one would think that because of technological advancement and the security systems being put in place, one’s privacy cannot be infringed upon at work. But day in day out, businesses are being collapse because of the careless nature of some employees which goes against the basic motive of establishing business. Hence employers should monitor the privacy at the workplace because some activities threatens the success of organizations in terms of profitability and productivity of the firm. This essay analyse the need for privacy invasion at the workplace and its effect on the employee and the organization at large with a concluding stand on for the motion. This era has seeen organizations investing heavily in the procurement of computer monitoring and surveillance equipments for purpose of increasing…show more content…
Employee are often made to over work themselves as there is limited time to engage in stress relieving activities such as accessing social networks and entertainment site, walking around at the workplace mainly to release stress etc. as these activities are mostly unacceptable by the employer because it slows down productivity at the workplace. Another effect of this on the employee is that concious monitoring of their activities eventually diminishes the employee self esteem by lowering the confidence of the individual hence affecting the creativity of the individual since any activities aside what is being prescribed by the employer would be seen repulsive by the employer which will eventually lead to the low ability of the firm to attract highly skilled employee. Numerous commentators have produce evidence that computer monitored employees suffer health, stress and morale problems to a higher degree than other employees (Bewayo, 1996; Aiello and Kolb,
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