The Lesson Analysis

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The Correlation between Education and Poverty Being a child born into poverty can be one of the worst experiences in life. There are people who aid the child in any way possible such as a parent, a relative, or a friend. Then there are those who indirectly punish the child for being poor, the government. Children struggling in school is an issue that already receives attention with programs such as the No Child Left Behind program. However, the No Child Left Behind program requires schools to bring students to a certain level of achievement but ignores the challenges that students face such as poverty. The child should not be to blame for a low test score if they cannot even afford education materials. Something needs to be done about low-income…show more content…
It is frightening enough to be born poor but it is even more frightening to fall behind in school because of the lack of education materials. The African American children in “The Lesson” by Bambara, understand this fact all too well. The African American children lack a desk, a pencil case, and even a home to do homework. Their lack of a good education is already evident when they do not even speak proper English. The African American children’s lack of education also reduces their opportunity for success and their chance of moving out of their bad neighborhood. Children today can relate to the African American children in Bambara’s story because their low opportunity for success is, unfortunately, the same. Today’s society has not progressed much in the past forty years if children suffering from poverty are no better off than the children in “The…show more content…
Although it may seem impossible because of the large number of students in America, these opportunities need to exist so that all students can go to high-quality schools, taught by qualified educators. One way America can achieve this goal is with one of the social support programs from Ladd’s and Fiske’s article. Say Yes to Education in Syracuse, N.Y., gives access to afterschool programs and summer camps and places social workers in schools. This would greatly benefit low-income students because they would seek academic assistance from the afterschool programs and financial assistance from the social workers. Programs that aid poverty instead of pressuring students to perform better, can increase the likelihood of low-income individuals achieving an education and job
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