Poverty In Poverty

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INTRODUCTION Relevance of the topic: Poverty exists in the whole world. There are a lot of countries where the poor is the majority of people (estimated at billions). Today, almost half of the people in the world live with less than one or two euros per day. According to investigators poverty is increasing every day, even 40 percent of the world's poorest have only 5 percent of the income and the other 20 percent the world's richest people have the rest. Poverty lowers the rights and freedoms of others, and interacts with almost all social problems - emotional, alcoholism, unemployment, gender discrimination, deviation. This interaction is complicated, because the problem may be the cause of poverty and caused by poverty. Poverty leads to…show more content…
The study hypothesis - Work structure. The work consists of three parts. The first part contains a theoretical review about poverty. The second part deals with the Lithuanian social policy in relation to poverty and social services as a tool for poverty reduction. Social Work as a problem solving measure. Third section provides empirical data analysis. In the end the conclusions, literature and accessories (questionnaire). Key words Poverty - the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor. (Human Development, 2001) Poverty levels - this is the population below the poverty risk threshold, part. Their income is less than income calculated in a certain method which shows the risk of poverty. (Dictionary of International Words, 2000) Social exclusion - deprivation of an individual or group of individual rights or otherwise limiting their participation in economic, social and political life of society. (Giddens, A., 2005) The social problem - a social construct, which occurs due to various stakeholder perspectives, and directly related to the specific circumstances. (Social programs, systematic evaluation,…show more content…
It is often assumed that poor parents has a lack of care for their children, and the learning negatively affect the further development of children. Thus, lack of child care leads to inappropriate behaviour. AS children so parents “pushes” into the same living conditions, thus condemning children to repeat the same mistakes. Consequently, neglected children, who lack the most important values necessary for a child, such as emotional and intellectual support, are particularly vulnerable to certain problems in school, which leads to their low education. Lack of educational opportunities, though not always, but usually create further unemployment or low-income living conditions. Keith explains that all these problems have a relation to marriage and family instability, because such families do not meet the social and emotional needs, so their children can’t have suitable conditions for development. All these problems are interrelated and influence to each other, it creates social deprivation circle of no “exit

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