Hydrochloric Acid Experiment

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First, a solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) was prepared. To do this, a 1 L brown bottle was obtained and cleaned with distilled water. After cleaning the brown bottle, it was filled halfway with distilled water. Next, using a 50 mL graduated cylinder, 16.7 mL of hydrochloric acid was added to the brown bottle. Then, more distilled water was added in order to fill the brown bottle to its fill indication. The brown bottle was then capped off and inverted to mix its contents. Next, a burette was primed to prepare it for the titrations. First, a burette was obtained and emptied. Then, 50.1 mL of aqueous hydrochloric acid was transferred from the brown bottle into a 100 mL beaker. To prime the burette, the stopcock was closed and approximately 15 mL of aqueous hydrochloric acid from the 100 mL beaker was transferred into the burette. Next, with a thumb plugging the open end of the burette, the burette was inverted and rotated to ensure that the aqueous hydrochloric acid rinsed the entirety of the burette’s interior. Once completed, the burette was emptied into a sink with plenty of water. This process of priming the burette was repeated twice more for a total of three rinses. After the burette had been primed, another 50 mL of aqueous hydrochloric acid was transferred from the brown bottle into a 100 mL beaker. The beaker was then emptied into the…show more content…
This sample was then transferred to a weighing bottle. Next, using weigh paper and an electronic balance, 0.1899 g of sodium carbonate was obtained. In the previous step, the balance was zeroed with the weigh paper on it first, and then, 0.1899 g of sodium carbonate was measured by pouring it onto the weigh paper. Next, the 0.1899 g of sodium carbonate was transferred into a 150 mL beaker along with approximately 50 mL of distilled water. A magnetic stir plate and stir bar were then used to dissolve the sodium

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