How Does Employee Satisfaction Affect Job Satisfaction

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1. INTRODUCTION The recruitment and retaining of a qualified and skilled work force is the basis of any company. The researches has proven that the staffs who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to stay integral with their employers. Job satisfaction is vital for both employee and employer. If the employees are not satisfied with their jobs this would lead to instability among workforce and various other problems within an organization. This analysis report attempts to evaluate and analyze how job satisfaction affects organizational behavior and what could be done to tackle employee dissatisfaction. The organization selected for the study is State Trading Organization (STO) plc. ltd, Maldives. 1.1. Overview of organization The State…show more content…
Job security Job security is something that most of the people sees when they apply for job. It has attracted a great deal of research in past years. “Ashford (1989) examined the impact of job insecurity on organizational commitment and job satisfaction and found that job insecurity is leads to reduced satisfaction and commitment. There is also evidence were job insecurity reduces job performance (Rosow, 1985). “ Having poor job security would lead to employee dissatisfaction. Even though the STO is public company with majority owned by government its recruitment, selection process and salary structure greatly differs the Civil Service. And being a public limited company controlled by a board directors, gives STO advantage of changing their policies easily compared to that of Civil Service. Which means some employees might think that Job security in STO is less compared to job security in civil services. This might reduce number of job applicants for the jobs of STO and dissatisfy the existing employees within the…show more content…
RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1. Recommendations on physical environmental factors: 3.1.1. Technological Factors: In a study conducted by Frederick Taylor found that providing employees with specially designed shovels increased the productivity than when employees used their own shovels. STO should provide its employees with relevant tools and equipment for work in order to satisfy the employees and to increase the productivity. It is also important for companies like STO to keep a track of the latest technology because nowadays employees are too much dependent on technology and it would ease the works of employees leading to better employee satisfaction and increase in productivity 3.1.2. Communication As STO employees a big number of expatriates it should consider recruiting people who speak some level of Dhivehi or English and it should implement policies so that senior level staff and managers have to communicate with lower level employees frequently. And STO should establish communication system so that employees in different outlets of different parts of the country could communicate with the company easily. For example Maldives Police service partnered with telecommunication company Ooredoo Pvt Ltd and introduced a package for Police officers which allowed them to call each other freely and a single police officer can buy up to 3 SIM cards which allows them to communicate with their loved one freely. STO should introduce such packages for employees so that it satisfies them and

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