Honor Student Case Study

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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Situation Analysis Being an honor student is holding a great title, being known as an excelling student in class among the rest of the certain batch or class. But do these so-called “Honor Students” enjoy their titles and respect from others? Do they feel comfortable always being looked up to? This study mainly focuses on the prospects and challenges of honor students in Al Danah International School, Riyadh, ranging from the Junior High School and Senior High School. In many countries, more than 30 percent of the 18–21 age cohort enroll in higher education (Trow 1973/2011). The massification of higher education is a revolutionary change that can be compared to the establishment of the modern research university in…show more content…
In some places, quality among faculty and students is decreasing dramatically. Some institutions have failed under global pressure and are becoming more prone to a lack of academic integrity (Heyneman, 2009, 2013). Corruption often seems to be an effective instrument for managing the entire higher education system in several countries— both for keeping the system running and for gaining domestic and international recognition (DenisovaSchmidt,2016d). This research surrounds the views, opinions and perspectives of honor students coming from grades 9 to 12 from the Junior and Senior High School Department both the boys and girls section to also widen the understanding required of both opposing genders. Because the way a male thinks is far from how a female looks at certain situations, and experiences. Also the analysis and skills of a male and female may vary since the environment is a factor to be considered to the development of a particular individual mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically. The researcher mentioned environment because as we…show more content…
Corruption often seems to be an effective instrument for managing the entire higher education system in several countries—both for keeping the system running and for gaining domestic and international recognition (DenisovaSchmidt,2016d). Imagine a student who plagiarizes his or her paper. He or she copies and pastes from other sources without acknowledging them and submits the results as his or her own work. He or she receives a grade for it. This is fraud, one form of corruption. A faculty member who consciously ignores the plagiarism in such a paper misuses an entrusted power for private gain in the broader meaning of this expression. It does not necessarily mean that the faculty member is bribed to do this by a student or by someone else. Other reasons explain explicitly ignoring plagiarism in a student’s paper, such as lack of time and/or will to investigate the plagiarism, or lack of importance placed on teaching as a personal career path. Both represent forms of “private gain”. Also within this study the researcher is trying to figure out whether some students have the so-called “Imposter’s Syndrome” or the feeling of not being good enough. Nowadays this can be very common to young adults. This doesn’t show in any diagnostic or statistical poll but a person who feels he or she isn’t good enough can be problematic as a diagnosable

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