Homework Is Bad

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“According to Denise Pope Ph. D from Stanford University said that… “ The findings on the effects of homework, challenge the traditional assumption that homework is inherently good.” Homework is taking away a child's time and opportunity to participate in sports or spend time with their family. Although I understand that homework can be helpful to students who need more practice on the concept they're learning, not having homework allows kids to avoid stress. Harris Cooper in 2006 proved his study that homework for kids in Elementary school does not help them improve their “academic achievement”. “According to Denise Pope Ph. D from Stanford University said that… “ The findings on the effects of homework, challenge the traditional assumption…show more content…
In a study, Denise Pope has said that large amounts of homework has caused childrens stress levels to increase. Too much homework has been the cause of many health issues because of the lack of balance in children's lives. In today's society, homework can usually range to about 3-4 hours daily to complete and can interfere with a child's sleep schedule. By them not getting the required amount of time to sleep it causes there stress level to increase. Homework can also interfere with extracurricular activities such as sports because when a child gets home from a practice or a game they still have the responsibility of completing their homework assignment. While being apart of a sport is an enjoyable activity for the child, it becomes stressful when homework is pressured against them. Homework causes stress on the parents as well because they need to spend time helping their child. This shows that parents have a hard time taking time out of their busy schedule to help the child with…show more content…
Harris Cooper in 2006 proved his study that homework for kids in elementary school does not help them improve their “academic achievement” He said “ Homework has just become busy work in the United States, and children aren't learning anything additional from it.” In Marion County, Florida the superintendent Heidi Maier took away all privileges for the teachers to assign homework and in fact she replaced homework by making children read for about 20 minutes every night. This gives children the autonomy to read what interests them, not what has been assigned by the teacher. This concept can develop more creativity and motivation for the child. It can help improve their academic achievement by having the children read about what is interesting to them without the pressure of completing an assignment. This shows that when students know that homework will not be assigned, they tend to be more motivated to finish their work in the classroom. No homework policy can be an incentive for children to manage their time better in the classroom and therefore will improve academic

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